What funny windy days we've had in Melbourne lately. Is Spring always like this? We've moved on to our Spring songs at Steiner playgroup and this is one of them;
A kite in Spring
A child with a kite
in windy weather
Tying the earth and sky together
Cute! Miss A has asked for a kite for her 3rd birthday coming up in October. Maybe we'll bend the rules and give her an early prezzie to make use of the windy days.
We braved the wind on Saturday to visit the local children's farm for the market, a friend's birthday and of course the animals. I always love checking out the communal vegie garden as well, for a bit of inspiration. The picture below was from one of my late pregnancy wanders during Winter. The gardens were looking quite different on the weekend but I didn't think to take a photo.
Such an amazing place considering it's walking distance from the city.
And finally,
My girls in a paper shop on a whirlwind expedition to buy card and pretty paper to make thankyou cards for baby presents we received. She just passed the 12 week mark but, oh well, better late than never.
Lucky you - you have two girls as well and such lovely ones too!
Miss A would be pretty smoochie cute flying a kite!!
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