Sunday, March 15, 2009

Words and Pictures - School Lunches

Joining in on Pip's little task, I had a flashback to the feeling I got when I'd open my (brown) lunchbox at primary school on a day when Mum had decided to give me a little brown treat in my sandwich. The bread was always wholemeal (brown again) and following the colour theme of the seventies, so was the milo inside my sandwich!!! I think it was even sprinkled onto cream cheese instead of butter. (Is that right Mum?)

I always felt a pang of love for my mum when I tucked into lunch, no matter what was on the menu, but on a day when a milo sandwich surfaced, the lovegush was a little bittersweet (ahem) as milo on wholemeal really wasn't to my taste. I love a bit of milo everynow and then but usually in a glass of milk, preferably with less milk than milo so it's really chocolatey. An occasional variation on the theme was with added walnuts. Mum, what were you thinking? xx


Camilla said...

Huh? I smell favoritism.
I only got the weird sandwich concoctions of Vegemite and celery or Vegemite and walnut in my lunch box! But I dont remember milo for lunch! -that was reserved for afterskool where we would tuck into a milo sanga on the bornhoffen!!!

Jen said...

And I thought you loved it!