Monday, July 13, 2009

Hibernation and Hill Chills

Hi there! I seem to have gone AWOL on this blog but I'm here, I've moved house and I've managed to get back on the interwebs.

It's been a curious month with such a dramatic lifestyle change from the inner burbs to the mountains and being a one car family I'm starting to feel a little stranded at times. But only a little. The girls and I have been having a completely snuggy time nestling into our new nest and making it our own while the baby-daddy goes out to work to support us. (Yay for that!)

We've had some visits from a few of our favourite people and many days of just hanging out together getting to know our new house and 'hood. Great coffee has been discovered within 5 minutes walk and a handy playground within ten. The only thing I'm really missing so far is the proximity to my said fav people and the sense of community that we came from. Actually, I miss Ceres too, and our neighbours and our cat. A bit more readjusting to do I suppose.

That may account for the strange melancholy that has washed over me occasionally. An emotional equivalent of the fog that descends on this neck of the woods. At times I have thought we'd literally moved into a cloud. The street light sometimes stays on for the whole day but then on others a patch of blue will open up in the sky and cast beautiful clear light on our hilly nest.

Buddha seems content in his new home.

I have a delicious sense of anticipation to find what is going to pop up in the garden in Spring and there are already brave bulbs bursting through the surface. I'm starting to get a sense of the work that will be needed to keep the weeds in check, the hedge trimmed and the lawns mown but I'm also really excited about learning more about gardening in a cool climate and making my mark on this garden. I have this place within walking distance to visit for inspiration. The gardens are truly gorgeous but I even get a buzz from loitering around the nursery, plotting future purchases...(maples, weeping cherries, fruit trees....)

Next step is to keep exploring, discovering the local markets and things to do. The places for three year old kinder are full for this year but we've booked a spot for next so that will bring a little more routine and rhythm.

A small person acquainting herself with the dishwasher.

Same small person acquainting herself with the dregs of apple cake mix.

A vignette en route to our new favourite house of caffeine (for me that is - just milk froth for them).